- Metacritic user rating 80/100
- Rotten Tomato user rating 79%
- Yahoo users rating A-
- Boxoffice mojo user rating B
With a drop off over 20% less on Saturday than any of the Twilight movies, the fans helped to make a difference by showing up and bringing friends and family back to see Remember Me on Saturday, March 13th. But Remember Me still needs our support. The fight isn't over. While critics have been exceedingly split on the film, audiences have not; Rated the #1 film right now on Fandango, Remember Me has resonated in the hearts of those who have seen it -- So much so that word of mouth is building all over the Internet and offline including message boards, movie sites, AP articles and more. It made the front page of AOL today, the Huffington Post continues to cover it, new glowing reviews have come in the past 24 hours and the sound is getting louder.
"Remember Me is a touching love story, but its broader take of familial relations packs a greater emotional punch." - USA Today
Remember Me is worth the Fight!
"The fact is, "Remember Me" is a well-made movie. I cared about the characters. I felt for them." - Roger Ebert
Robert Ebert, who gave Remember Me 3 out of 4 stars in his review last week, Tweeted yesterday that he's heard audiences are showing affection to this film and he's right...Audiences are saying this is one of the best films they've seen in ages and recommending it to their friends and family and colleagues. Clearly critics -- at least in this case -- are out of touch with what the American movie audience is ready for when it comes to the movies they watch. Popcorn movies are fun and have their place but Remember Me has proven audiences like to think, too. They like to be challenged and they like to walk away from a film wanting to discuss it long after the credits have rolled.
"Coulter wants to explore the act of mourning as a theme, and how death sometimes reminds us that every minute of life should be savored. On that level, Remember Me certainly succeeds." - The Miami Herald
"For those looking for the rare romantic youth drama without vampyric overtones or other gimmicks, Remember Me should satisfy and it works as a much-needed change of pace for the talented Pattinson who remains one of the most watchable of our young stars."- Box Office Magazine
We need major Rob & Twilight sites/blogs/Facebooks/Twitters, etc. to keep putting the word out and we're asking you to continue actively promoting this Fan Supported Event as much as you possibly can.
And above all, keep talking about Remember Me where and whenever you can. Write reviews, tell everyone you meet about the film, rate it on the movie sites and express what it is this film has meant to you, personally. The people who have seen Remember Me are the best advertising out there. There's nothing better.
"Remember Me" is a smart, engaging drama about young love flourishing amid sadness and loss." - The Hollywood Reporter
Won't you please help?
Please contact me at remembermesaturday@gmail.com for any questions or help in setting up a banner or an article about the Remember Me Saturday fan event. Anything you need or want, we're here to help.